Monday 11 January 2016

Edae (Ewha Womans University)

Isn't this school marvelous?

This University is the prettiest I've ever seen in Korea. It has a Harry Potter Howarts feel. Especially with the church building. There is an ethereal feel in the school compound. To go up to the church, we had to climb the huge flight of steps. But it was totally worth it for the view. Then we turned right and walked downhill towards the road. Walk right and you'll face the stairs downwards to the more modern part of the school compound.

The modern section with the slope downwards and glass walls around houses classrooms if I'm not wrong. Most of the glass doors were locked and not accessible to the public. To enter, we had to walk down the stairs to the bottom and enter the glass doors there. There is actually a theater within that holds public events. When we were there, there were many children who were waiting to watch a robot cartoon show in the theater. There is also a bookshop inside that sells books and textbook, but no English books. There is a souvenir shop too, where souvenirs such as tote bags, files, notebooks with printed Ewha logos are sold to the public. There's also a Starbucks within and a few restaurants. 

The school compound is really cool. I love the architecture and I've been there almost 5 times and I still love the school.

We heard that although it is a Womans University, male exchange students are allowed to exchange there. So for the guys, lucky you. Teehee.

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